Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2012 Celebrity Classic 5K run

I have been training hard in preparation for this year's coming race season. Even more so lately as I am planning on racing in the Chattahoochee Challenge Half Ironman triathlon on April 21 in Columbus, Ga. It will be my first half ironman and the longest triathlon I have ever done. So in preparation for this race I decided to add a training run/race into the mix just to see how I will do.

I have raced in the Classic 3 times before and for some reason have placed in every race. Since my last 2 5K's were in the 25-26 minute range, I was predicting a similar time. Although I have never ran this course before, I didn't expect anything faster or slower. Especially since I haven't been running much.

The race starts at 8am at the National Infantry Museum on Fort Benning. The course is perfectly flat. It winds around the Oxbow Meadow's facility and golf course and returns back down South Lumpkin road.

The morning was kind of chilly with a temp around 57, so I wore my long sleeve technical t-shirt from the Disney Marathon to keep me warm.

The race started off fast as always and then I slowed into my pace. I felt great and my pace felt good for me. I reached mile marker 1 in 7:10, then mile marker 2 at 15:10. At this point I ran the calculations in my head and figured out that I was on a record pace. So of course I had to pick it up a notch hoping for a great time.

As I turned onto the final stretch
heading towards the finish line, I never looked down for my time and I didn't even notice the finish line clock when I passed it. I was running with all I had. After I crossed the line I reached down and turned off my heart rate monitor. After cooling down for a few minutes I decided to look at the HRM. To my surprise it said 23:16. WOW I never expected to see that!!!

After resting, stretching, and socializing a few minutes with friends, I decide to go check out the results as they were just being posted. Again to my surprise I place 3rd in my age group!