It has been a while since I have had an entry in here because this is the first race that I have done in a while. I hurt or shall I say busted my left shin bone very bad about 2 months ago. I had to wait a long time for it to get well enough for me to even start back training. I missed the Callaway Sprint tri and the Inline Speed Skating National Championships during this time. I have been training hard since then and was ready to do something soon.
I had not planned on doing this triathlon this year because of my experience in last years race. It had to be the worst race I have ever had. Everything sucked from the swim to the run. I couldn't breathe, my transitions sucked and my calves cramped in the run! Not to mention that the knats down in Cordele were just as bad! I told myself that I would never come back.
Well I started thinking about this race about a week before it was to happen and kind of talking it up to my friends and to myself. This kind of got me excited about doing it again and with the thought that I might able to redeem myself from last year's disaster. So at the last minute I decided to go. There was going to several of my friends competing in it too.
So Friday I was off of work, I loaded the car up early and took off for Cordele around 3:00pm. I wanted to get there before registration closed around 6:00pm. Plus I was going to camp and needed to get all of my gear set up before it got dark. I couldn't find anyone to go with me so I drove down by myself. It only took about 1:45minutes.
So I get there around 5:00pm and head over to registration and sign up. I am assigned race bib number 326. I am glad I got there when I did because about 20 people came in right after me and had to wait for a while. So I now head over to the camp ground and set up my tent. Then I head into town to try to find something to eat and to waist some time. Well it is now time to hit the sack, around 10:00pm, so I can fully rested for the race.
I get up around 5:45am and head for the showers. I didn't sleep as good as I was hoping to, but I got enough I think. Transition area opens at 6:00am so I want to get my stuff over there with plenty of time to spare, just in case something goes wrong. And of course something does! I forgot my swimming goggles. But I have plenty of time and walk back over to the camp site and get them.

I have decided to try a different strategy this time in the swim. Instead of starting on the inside of the pack, I am going to start of the left, outside of the pack. Maybe this way I will avoid getting run over by the faster swimmers and it will give me chance to get into my groove. I have been training hard in the swim and am really hoping for a good result. Last year I had to dog paddle about half of the swim! LOL
So the gun sounds and we are off. My plan works great and I am headed to the first

I am really hoping to have an astounding bike split because I suffered last year. I

I head back into the transition area with my feet already out of the shoes and jump off of the bike in full stride. All I have to do is put on my running shoes and I am off into the 5K run. My transition time is :36 and this time I am tied for the 2nd fastest transition time.
With my shoes on and still feeling pretty good, I head off to see what I can do. The run is the hardest portion of the event for me. I don't run very fast as compared to the good triathlon guys. So I am only trying to best my time from last year. The entire run I have to keep telling myself to keep up the pace and don't walk! The temptation is there with every step. Once I get into my groove I am OK and feeling better about it. No cramps is a great thing too!
So I am running along at my pace and not knowing what position I am in, and a guy in my age group passes me. I am only about a third of the way into the run so I don't even think too much about it. Well a little past the halfway point another guy in my

So the race is over and I am now looking for some of my friends and something to drink and eat. I find Ramon and Wesley over by the food and get me something to eat. After I eat I gather my things up and take it back over the camp ground. I grab my protein shake and head back over to the finish line to see who else has come in. I am also waiting for the race director to post the results. He eventually comes on the microphone and says that they can't get the printer to work, so they are just going to start handing out the awards. So I decide that I am going to go back to the camp site and get ready to go home.
Well I am talking to Ramon and he convinces me to stick around and see who gets an award. He thinks that he might be in the running for one, so I stay. Wesley ends up getting 3rd in the Master Men division and Lynn gets 3rd in her age group. Ramon ends up 4th in his. Then all of a sudden they call out my name for 3rd place in my age group!!! Check that out! WOW. I would have never thought that I would ever place in a tri. I am so stoked now I can't hardly stand by myself. 3RD PLACE...

Check out the RESULTS
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